Navigating the Funding Landscape : How Fiinovation Helps NGOs Secure Funding

Fiinovation is a renowned organization that specializes in CSR and consulting services to various NGO’s in the development sector. The organization has a strong focus on sustainability and works towards creating a sustainable future for all. The key areas of focus for 


include CSR, sustainability, and impact investing.

One of the important areas of Fiinovation’s work is providing funding support to NGOs. The organization has a dedicated team of experts who work closely with NGOs to understand their requirements and help them secure funding from various sources. Fiinovation has a strong network of donors and investors who are interested in supporting social causes, and the organization leverages this network to support NGOs. Fiinovation also provides capacity building support to NGOs to help them enhance their impact and become more sustainable.

Fiinovation’s role in funding NGOs has been highly appreciated by the development sector. Many NGOs have benefited from Fiinovation’s support and have been able to scale up their operations and impact. Fiinovation’s approach of providing tailored solutions to NGOs has been particularly appreciated, as it helps NGOs to identify the right funding sources and use the funds effectively.

In addition to its work in funding NGOs, Fiinovation is also known for its employee-friendly work culture. The organization has a flat hierarchy and encourages employees to take ownership of their work. Fiinovation provides ample opportunities for professional development and growth, and employees are encouraged to take on challenging assignments and projects. The organization values diversity and inclusivity and provides a safe and inclusive work environment for all employees.

The employee reviews of Fiinovation have been overwhelmingly positive. Employees appreciate the organization’s focus on sustainability and social impact and feel motivated to work towards these goals. They also appreciate the opportunities for professional growth and development that the organization provides. The flat hierarchy and inclusive work culture have been particularly appreciated by employees, who feel that they have a voice in the organization and can contribute to its success.

In conclusion, Fiinovation is an organization that has made significant contributions to the development sector through its work in funding NGOs and promoting sustainability. The organization’s employee-friendly work culture and focus on professional growth and development have made it a preferred employer in the sector. Fiinovation’s approach of providing tailored solutions to NGOs has helped many organizations to enhance their impact and become more sustainable. Overall, Fiinovation’s work has been highly appreciated by stakeholders in the development sector, and the organization is well-positioned to make a significant impact in the years to come.

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Fiinovation Reviews online 

Fiinovation NGO Funding

Transforming CSR Strategies: How Fiinovation’s Consulting Services Drive Positive Impact

Fiinovation is the top leading CSR consultant in Delhi that provides innovative solutions to social and environmental challenges. With a team of experienced professionals and a track record of successful projects,


has established itself as a reliable and effective partner for companies and organizations looking to make a positive impact through CSR initiatives.

One of the ways that Fiinovation shares its expertise and insights with the broader community is through its YouTube channel. The Fiinovation provides you a range of informative and engaging videos on the YouTube channel  related to CSR, sustainability, and social impact. From interviews with industry leaders to case studies of successful projects, the channel provides a wealth of knowledge and inspiration for anyone interested in making a difference.

As CSR consultants in Delhi

Fiinovation offers a range of services to help companies and organizations develop and implement effective CSR strategies. These services include CSR planning and assessment, stakeholder engagement, impact measurement, and sustainability reporting. By working closely with clients to understand their unique needs and goals, Fiinovation is able to design customized solutions that deliver meaningful and measurable results.

One of the key strengths of Fiinovation as a CSR consultancy is its deep understanding of the social and environmental landscape in India. With years of experience working on projects in diverse sectors and regions, the team at Fiinovation has a keen awareness of the challenges and opportunities that exist in different contexts. This expertise allows the firm to provide tailored recommendations and solutions that are both effective and sustainable.

In addition to its consulting services, Fiinovation is also committed to promoting knowledge-sharing and collaboration within the CSR community. The firm regularly hosts events and webinars that bring together stakeholders from across sectors to discuss key issues and share best practices. By fostering a sense of community and shared purpose, Fiinovation is helping to drive progress and positive change in India.

Overall, Fiinovation is a valuable partner for any company or organization looking to implement impactful and sustainable CSR initiatives. With its expertise, experience, and commitment to innovation, Fiinovation is helping to create a brighter future for communities across India and beyond. Whether through its consulting services or its YouTube channel, Fiinovation is a valuable resource for anyone looking to make a positive difference in the world.

More Visit us : Fiinovation Youtube 

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Fiinovation Reviews : Clients Praise the Company’s Commitment to Sustainable Solutions

Fiinovation is a leading CSR consulting firm based in Delhi, India, that provides strategic CSR solutions to businesses. The company has a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to creating sustainable solutions for social and environmental challenges. Fiinovation has been widely recognized for its excellence in the field of CSR, and its impact has been felt across India.

One way to evaluate a company’s performance is by looking at its customer reviews. Fiinovation reviews are overwhelmingly positive, with many clients praising the company for its professionalism, expertise, and commitment to creating sustainable solutions. Clients have frequently commented on the company’s ability to deliver results that exceed expectations, helping them achieve their CSR goals and make a positive impact in the communities they serve.

Fiinovation’s core business operations include CSR strategy development, impact assessment, stakeholder engagement, sustainability reporting, and program management. The company works closely with its clients to understand their unique requirements and provides customized solutions that suit their needs. Fiinovation is known for its ability to forge partnerships between businesses, NGOs, and government agencies to create sustainable solutions for social challenges.

Fiinovation is committed to its own CSR initiatives. It, has been accorded with the Best Technical CSR Service Provider award by the CMAI Association and CIM Global. It also supports various charitable organizations and social causes that align with its values, further demonstrating its commitment to creating a positive impact in the communities it serves.

Fiinovation’s commitment to CSR has been recognized by several industry bodies, including the “Queen Victoria” Commemorative Medal for commitment, dedication and achievements in innovative social initiatives in CSR and Sustainability. The company has been awarded the “Queen Victoria” medal for its outstanding contributions to CSR in India. In conclusion, Fiinovation is a leading CSR consulting firm that has earned high praise from its clients and industry bodies for its excellence in creating sustainable solutions for social and environmental challenges. Whether it’s through its core business operations or its own CSR initiatives, Fiinovation is driving change and making a positive impact in the communities it serves. If you’re looking for a trusted partner to help you navigate the complex world of CSR, Fiinovation is the perfect choice.

Visit us : CSR Consultants in Delhi 

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How Corporate social responsibility can sensitise the locals on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene practices

Water, health and sanitation has been a major concern in India for quite a long time. According to a report published in the Huffington Post, 3 infants die every 2 minutes in India due to lack of access to water and sanitation. In India, almost 26% of rural people live below the poverty line. Poor sanitation affects the health and overall development of the country. Women are the most affected by lack of proper sanitation. For example, in India, a large number of girls drop out because of the lack of separate toilets in the school for girls. Only 22% of them manage to complete class 10.

Various initiatives have been undertaken by the govt to achieve the goal of improving India’s sanitation and curb the problem associated with it. However, the goals require combined action and efforts from government, corporates and non-government organisations.

Despite making massive sanitation drives across the country, 50% of India still defecate in the open. The initiatives and cleanliness drive though seemed ambitious, there is an urgent need to involve Corporate Sector to promote WaSH components and sensitise people about WaSH practices. Corporates can implement WaSH component through CSR Initiatives in India. Corporates through their innovative ideas can plan CSR projects and implement WaSh Components among the poor and aware masses of the country. Corporates can reach to the interior parts of the country and benefit the people through their innovative approach.

In this regard, Fiinovation Company has partnered with People’s forum for a social intervention on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) components in Paradip, Odisha. The CSR Project intent to benefit around 700 households in the district by sensitising the locals on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) practises. The program will ensure access to safe drinking water by installing community Reverse Osmosis (RO) plants in the locality. The activities will include the installation of storage tanks for the collection and storage of the purified water. Every household will be enabled to collect 20 litres of safe drinking water each day through this initiative.

Team Fiinovation investigated the prior condition of the area and concluded that the local people faced immense problem in fetching safe drinking water due to the scarcity of resources. Through the project, Fiinovation intends to improve the quality of health care with access to clean water which is important to maintain good health. In addition, it also aims to create community-level awareness session on the prevention of waterborne disease and combating malnutrition by conducting frequent awareness drives and health camps.

In order to identify the key problem within the community, Team Fiinovation conducted a rigorous need assessment study which resulted in some important observations and essential requirements. Insufficient and unsafe drinking water was a major concern in the area. Due to the presence of many industries in the area, air and water pollution was a major issue in the region, resulting in respiratory and skin diseases. Non-availability of primary health care services added to the woes of the people. People’s forum realised the need to sensitize and create awareness amongst people and implement various initiatives listed in the project activities. As a part of the project, other activities like tree plantation in and around the colonies, school campus, playground and other suitable places, aimed to reduce the flow of pollutants has been initiated. Also, the existing Self Help groups have been employed to carry out the execution along with the NGO.

India can truly achieve the target and surge towards becoming a developed nation. All we need is a collective effort between all stakeholders, adequate funding and determination to achieve the goal.

The Evolution in CSR & Sustainability


All the universally accepted definitions of CSR underscore the impact that businesses have on communities and environment.


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Evidently, the concept of CSR has evolved from welfare activities (such as philanthropy, donations, charity, relief work and others) to the one that now incorporates corporate citizenship, strategic philanthropy, shared value, corporate sustainability and business responsibility.


1950- 1960s

The focus was on businesses with good deeds for societies at large. The drivers of changes were events, people, and ideas who were instrumental in shaping the emerging social changes.



Thinkers such as Archie Carroll propagated the change in thought which argued that ‘firms have responsibilities towards societies including economic, legal, ethical and discretionary.



Thomas Donaldson and Thomas W. Dunfee highlighted the ‘tactic social contract between the firm and society’ characterized by an enhanced responsiveness towards stakeholders.


CSR became a strategic issue focusing on


Freeman’s stakeholder theory. It started correlating with the definition that viewed it as a concept ‘whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and interactions with their stakeholders’.


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CSR in India has traveled through different phases, such as community engagement, socially responsible production and socially responsible employee relations. It was more about philanthropic endeavors that were performed but not deliberated and documented.


Prior to Independence, it had a national character encapsulated within it that extended support to India’s freedom movement. CSR in India has now matured and incorporates global knowledge of CSR in its discourse.

Before 1947

The concept, through charity, was carried out by businessmen and philanthropists with a strong religious sentiment. CSR was deeply influenced by family values, traditions, culture, and religion, as also by industrialization. The wealth of businessmen was spent on social welfare, by setting up religious, educational and healthcare institutions.


Post 1947

The Gandhian philosophy of trusteeship was popular. Industrialists set up trusts for colleges, and research and training institutions. These trusts were also involved in social reform, like rural development, education, and empowerment of women.


Post 1991

Economic liberalization opened the floodgates for foreign investment. Entry of global players kick-started competition in the market and the global CSR standards motivated the local players to enhance their brand values and meet consumer satisfaction.

Post 2000

Global information sharing allowed the Indian government to incorporate the best practices that gradually made India the first country to mandate CSR. In addition to financial resources, the undertone has been focussed on partnership and the triple-bottom-line of engagements.

Post 2014

After the enforcement of new Companies Act, there has been a significant inflow of contributions by businesses towards socio-economic and environmental initiatives. Education, healthcare, livelihood and skill development remain the areas receiving a majority of the CSR funds.

Some major developments:
7,334 firms spent ₹8,803 crore towards CSR in 2014-15. In 2015-16, 5,097 companies spent ₹9,822 crore on social initiatives.

The idea of CSR has been brought to the forefront among the Indian business community by Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013.

The Schedule VII of the Act places the community at the heart of all the activities and advocates integrating CSR into the core operations of a company while it also promotes transparency.


Sustainability is a comprehensive approach for a business that aims at creating and maximizing long-term economic by keeping a balance of social and environmental aspects in a longer run.

CSR and SUSTAINABILITY are interchangeable concepts

Convergence of CSR and sustainability form the core of The Companies Act, 2013 (Section 135). The concept focuses both on shareholders and stakeholders through the social, environmental and economic objectives of a business. Traditionally, CSR is being increasingly used by corporations as a tool to address social and environmental issues, whereas sustainability focuses on a strategy that prioritises the long-term survival of a business connected to ecological, social and cultural systems.

Transforming a business completely sustainable may not be feasible for many. However, a mixture of CSR and sustainability can definitely deliver a measurable impact. Perhaps, the need for more strategic, systematic and structured approach for an integrated development can be addressed through an amalgamation of sustainable and socially responsible practices by the businesses.


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While aiming long-term business growth, integrating sustainability into business enables an organization to mitigate future risks and adopt scientific processes. A sustainable strategy enables environmental principles and socially responsible behaviour for all business decisions and is a central theme of a successful business. Businesses that fail to incorporate sustainability are unlikely to endure.

Most of the findings indicate the relevance of ‘stakeholder analysis and mapping’ among primary and secondary categories of stakeholders with a collaborative process of research, debate, and discussion from multiple perspectives to determine a key list of stakeholders across the entire stakeholder spectrum.